Saturday, June 2, 2007

Packed up Weekend

I've got a packed weekend. Today I'm going to the pool. Tomorrow I gotta go to my friends Bat Mitsvah (did I spell that right?) and then I'm leaving for a week so I gotta get prepped for that. Later.

Its Environmentaly Wack and I'm Making My Attack

This morning I was sat on a rock at the beach from 7:00 to roughly 7:40. In those forty minutes I saw, heard, smelt and just overall sensed beauty in its rawest, most wonderful form: Nature. I also saw, heard, smelt and sensed the raping of our world. I saw huge, filthy tankers and that made me think about the sea life that has and still will die because of us. Once, when I was on a dock, I saw this bloated, dead body of a seal, white and rotting. Beside it, the water was rainbow colored from all the gasoline from the boats. I've seen clearcut forests and it makes me think: "Why don't we stop this? I'm sure that those who head these operations realize the consequences of destroying the world and yet they destroy it all the same. Why?". The answer is obvious. Profit.
We've been conditioned to believe that money is a necessity. Its not. But thats what many people think. After all, without money, you wouldn't have your T.V. right? But when the atmosphere is obliterated, when the ozone lair has disappeared, when there is no air to breath, its going to take a crowbar to take the T.V. remote from your rigid, dead hands. For rigor mortis will have set in by then. Or at least its physical incarnation. True rigor mortis has set in centuries back, when all of our "progress" had begun. When Columbus and Cortes had massacred all the natives that had been living. There are only a few tribes of people scattered across the world that have been left untouched by this "modern world". This world of savage, blood-thirsty savages. For we are not living in civilization. We are living in a world of evil, murder and the unnatural, disgusting beauty. The things we now hold dear are the tools of this worlds destruction. We must take action. We cannot tolerate this raping of Mother Nature. We cannot tolerate these dams, who hold back her fury and her gentle kindness. We cannot tolerate these clear cuts which mar her subtle beauty. We cannot tolerate these strip mines who rob her of her of that which keeps her going, and holds her up. We cannot tolerate these fat cat, rich, greedy sons of bitches who take advantage of her and exploit her. We must take action.

Anarchy 101

I'll have you all know that I am an anarchist and feel very strongly about my opinions and views. I grew and am growing up in an anarchist family. I've only met one other person who truly understands anarchy and would ever consider it. That's why I wrote this.

Anarchy 101:

1. Human nature is not to be a vicious selfish brute. We have been conditioned to think this by our society, but this ludicrous Hobbesian idea should not be allowed to stand any longer. Almost everyone on this thread has said, on the issue of crime, that they personally would not go out and murder, steal and rape, but it is ever so obvious that there a so many other people that would do just that. But the basic fact is that over 99% of all criminals are victims of circumstance. They have been forced into a life of crime by their conditions, conditions that have been imposed on them by a central, semi-dictatorial authority (i.e. a government). So, we would not in fact devolve into a cesspool of criminal chaos if government were removed; in fact we would most likely benefit from it. After all, when we are all equal, there is no need for crime.

2. Just because there is no hierarchy, does not mean there is no support infrastructure. If every person used their own unique talents for the benefit of the community, for the general good, then why shouldn't everyone receive adequate health-care, education, and other necessities? People need not be ordered to help their friends and families. They can simply do it themselves.

3. A common argument that has been put forth is that anarchy, like communism, can only work on a small scale. This is true. But why shouldn't the world be split up into a multitude of small, self-sustaining, anarchist communities? It's quite probable that this is how the world will end up anyway, as peak oil and the collapse of society as we now know it occurs.

4. Another common argument is that an anarchist society would be overwhelmed and conquered without a central authority. This brings up an interesting point: the similarity between militaries and pennies. If you eliminate all militaries, you eliminate the need for all militaries at the same time. As with pennies. This is why I am a firm advocate of a unified, global anarchist revolution. If all military powers are eliminated at once, there is no threat of a hostile take-over.

5. There is historical precedent for functioning anarchist societies. In fact, in case you have forgotten, that is how humanity lived out it's first few thousand years. More recently, some Native American cultures had lived in semi-anarchist, fully autonomous societies for millenia before they were wiped out by Europeans who lived in less enlightened, militarily minded societies. More recently still, during the French, Russian, and Spanish revolutions, anarchist societies sprung and lived in harmony and peace until they to were crushed by their less enlightened brothers and sisters.

Finally, as a rebuttal to all you naysayers, I have never seen nor read V for Vendetta, although many friends have expounded it's seemingly innumberable virtues upon me. I have merely read the works of Peter Kropotkin and Emma Goldman. For a slightly more accesible work, I suggest those of you curious to learn more about anarchism (as it is properly called) to read Derrick Jensen and Ward Churchill.

And before any of you post your undoubtably noble and valid responses to this text, I would like you all to answer this question to yourselves: which would you rather live under, an opressive, lying, corrupt, and morally bankrupt government, or an anarchy? Think well upon it.

That was an excerpt from a debate I had on anarchy. You can see the entire thing here.

Friday, June 1, 2007

My teacher sucks.

You know what's awful? Those teachers who just like one or two students for absofugginlutely no reason at all. I've got one like that. She. Is. A. Bitch. She likes this one girl (we'll call her Sally) and she hates this other girl (we'll call her Jules). Just a couple days ago, my teacher starts yelling at Jules because she's not doing any thing. Here's how it went. Roughly.

Teacher: Jules, what are you doing? You should be doing art.

Jules: I finished my art project.

T: Let me see it.

J: Oh, I finished it at home and its still there.

T: You always leave things at home and hand things in late!

J: I'm sorry.

T: Do you think this is funny? Because its really not!

J: No, I don't think its funny.

T: You handed in le Projet du Pays late! I still don't have Mon Quartier! Blah blah blah...

J: Okay. I'm sorry.

T: Well, what can you do?

J: I could read?

T: And?

J: Projet de lecture?

T: And?

J: Science?

T: Good.

Now, Before we go any further, I'm going to give you some back history as to what I'm talking about and tell you about the other student, Sally. Those things I mentioned (Projet du Pays, and Projet de Lecture) are some of our more resent projects. The other thing I mentioned (Mon Quartier) was a project from last term. Now, Jules may not be a very good student, but Sally isn't very good either, and yet she gets straight A's. She still hasn't handed in Profet du Pays but she'll still get an A on it even though it was due something like three weeks ago and is pretty much our entire socials mark. In a play that both Jules and Sally are in, my teach can only compliment (or at least refrain from criticizing) even though and yet she has something bad to say to every0ne else in all the other plays. Now, continuing with the story, Jules gets a book and before she even opens it, the teacher walks up and says "Oh, so you're just going to fake read, are you?!" and starts ranting about how bad a student Jules is and how she has "...given up hope" for the cause of Jules.

One other thing, my teach is 100% against abortion and in class, in front of everyone, she starts ranting about how abortion " an awful practice and should be stopped". A teacher cannot do that. Its fine to say that she doesn't like abortion, but she cannot enforce her opinions in the class!

Now I must close this post by saying that my teach fucking sucks. My teach fucking sucks.

I hate first posts...

Okay, so here's my first post. I've been telling myself to post on this blog (I made it about two weeks ago) but I just never got around to it. I've had a shit load of work piled on me these past few weeks so I've been really busy. Now I'm on a library computer because my home computer is completely bonified at this moment in time. Any ways, you won't see me post very much at all because next week I'm going to camp for a week with my class and then the computer's gonna get turned off for the summer. First posts are so awkward.

Hmmm... subject matter, subject matter... Hey, this cop just walked in with a big black bag. Wonder what he's doing? He just walks up past the desk and into the back-room. Wonder what he's got in the bag? I guess he's just got a bunch of confiscated books or some other library shit in the bag. No, he just walked out with the bag, still full, and left. Odd...